Website Design : The graphic design and coding of web pages, full websites and interactive web applications.
So you want to be a web designer? Well, the feeling of design and an eye for detail are things that cannot be learned in a matter of days, but mastery of the tools used to realize your vision can be...
Blackhawk has created a course focusing specifically on the major programs and techniques used for professional web design. As well as showing you the best options and shortcuts for working within Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, ImageReady and Illustrator, he also pours his passion and over 8 years of web design experience into the course, giving you the confidence to create and publish high-quality sites in the neatest of deadlines.
Web Site Design 1:
The boundaries of web design, site creation & diagram planning, site & server settings, basic layout tools & techniques, web color guidelines, basic cascading style sheets, advanced CSS & typography, content import & organization, web hierarchy, basic image use, previewing & testing.
Web Site Design 2:
Image creation techniques, powerful image slicing for menus and remote rollovers, advanced image use, SmartObjects, layers, DHTML animation, image maps, remote rollovers, image tricks, powerful actions & scripting, component menu design, site checking, FTP publishing & maintenance.
All training courses are recommended on a 1-1 or small group basis on-site.
Training is always for the most current version of the software.
For any questions you might have on the listed options, or to discuss a personalized training session, please email training
Industry-leading tool
Take advantage of all the flexibility and power of a world-class web design tool. Manipulate pixel-perfect designs in Design view, craft complex code in Code view, or do a little of each. Work the way you work best.
Integrated workflows
Design, develop, and maintain content within Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5 while taking advantage of intelligent integration with other Adobe tools, including Adobe Flash® CS5 Professional, Adobe Fireworks® CS5, Adobe Photoshop® CS5, Adobe Contribute® CS5, and new Adobe Device Central CS5 for creating mobile device content.
Browser compatibility check
Complete CSS support
Discover the advantage of visual CSS tools that make it easy to view, edit, and move styles within and between files, as well as see how your changes will affect the design. Accelerate your workflow with new CSS layouts, and test your design with the new Browser Compatibility Check.
Integrated coding environment
Organize and accelerate your coding with code collapse, color coding, line numbering, and a coding toolbar with comment/uncomment and code snippets. Apply code hints for HTML and server languages.
Support for leading technologies
Take advantage of support for leading web development technologies, including HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, Adobe ColdFusion®, ASP, ASP.NET, and JSP.
Effortless XML
Quickly integrate XML content using either XSL or the Spry framework for Ajax. Point to an XML file or XML feed URL, and Dreamweaver CS5 will display its contents, enabling you to drag and drop appropriate fields onto your page.
FLV support
Easily add FLV files to your web pages in just five clicks, with no knowledge of Flash required. Customize the video environment to match your website.
Cross-platform support
Pick your platform: Dreamweaver CS5 is available for Intel® or PowerPC® based Macintosh computers, as well as for Windows® XP and Windows Vista™ systems. Design in your preferred platform and then deliver across platforms with more reliable, consistent, and high-performance results.
There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past